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    Work Life Balance and Self-Care

    Program Description

    We Live in a society that loves achievement, qualifications, status and success. Many people work themselves extremely hard to get there – ignoring what their bodies and minds are telling them. But what’s the point of success, a great career – if you are always stressed, overwhelmed, don’t see much of your family and friends (or are grumpy/tired when you do see them)?

    Sadly, life balance and self-care are often seen as “soft” requirements something high achievers don’t or shouldn’t need. We get the message we should just be able to soldier on through illness and stress. We are told that if we take a holiday, go on a city break, have a bubble bath or sleep-in on Sundays all will be well again. After all, a successful person should have this under control and too much self-care is a sign of weakness or perhaps selfish or indulgent.

    In the Work Life  Balance and Self-Care workshops we look at the whole person, the whole life in context. We know that without self-care and life balance life can be miserable and  lack joy and substance.

    So what are your needs, Where is your energy being drained? Are you too comfortable and going nowhere or are you constantly pushing yourself, so that “comfort” or “balance” is a passing through before you throw yourself into the melee again? and what about you? do you take care of yourself? because all change starts with us.

    In this workshop we will help you assess your balance and self-care needs, to identify what’s getting in the way and to help you enjoy your lives more

    Who should attend?

    • Executives, Leaders, CXO’s who are looking for Balance and self-care in your life

    Course Modules

    • Module 1 – Assess your Current balance and self-care levels to raise your awareness as to how comfortable and balance your life currently is
    • Module 2 – What are your specific self-care needs to get specific information about where your energy is being drained and what needs are not being met
    • Module 3 – Taking Actions and setting boundaries. A keyway you can take better care of yourself is to set boundaries and say “No” to others ad thereby saying Yes to yourself
    • Module 4 – A powerful and deep way to wrap-up after all this reflection and self-focus is to explore the question : “What do I need to let go of”

    Bonus Add-ons

    • Free 2 months of handholding for practical implementation of the learnings in your day to day life
    • Join the private Facebook group of like-minded people
    • Access to the monthly practice and knowledge sharing sessions

    Benefits to you after attending this workshop

    • Increase your awareness of well-being, positive life strategies and thinking approaches.
    • Increase your productivity, work life balance and self-care


    • Age above 16 years


    • An Open mind to learn new things


    • 12 hours sessions

    Training Language

    • Sessions are available in English. To know about the schedule, refer the Training Calendar page

    Delivery Mode

    • Sessions are available online. To know about the schedule, refer the Training Calendar page

    Price , Training Schedule & Registration

    • To check the price , schedule and register – click here